A member asked:

I have had trouble hearing out of my left ear for three days now and it has been burning and itching. does this mean that i have an ear infection?

9 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Daniel McGee answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Maybe, needs eval: Burning and itching in the ear along with decreased hearing in the ear sounds like inflammation that could be due to an infection. If untreated it could get worse in a short period of time so better to go get it checked out to be sure.

Answered 3/28/2015



Ear Burning - Itchin: A burning, itching ear usually means a fungal external ear infection, also called otomycosis. This leads to plugging of the ear canal, with decreased hearing. The ear should be examined, then cleansed, then topical prescription eardrops are prescribed. Go see your primary healthcare provider. If not getting better, then see an ear nose and throat doctor.

Answered 2/10/2014



Itchy ear: There is a good chance you have an outer ear infection. This can be due to bacteria and/or fungi. Another possibility is a wax blockage. If you have been using q tips, the chance for these problems is much higher. You need to see your primary doctor or ENT right away.

Answered 6/10/2014



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