A member asked:

Hello i was exposed to covid. i have both shots and the booster. im still having mild symptoms. lingering headache, sore throat. ive tested negative twice since the 7 days i was exposed. could i still have it, and my body is just fighting it?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

The "mild" symptoms of COVID-19 in cases where three shots of vaccine have been given, can resemble symptoms of influenza or of other adenoviral conditions (common coal). To be accurate, a PCR test for COVID-19 is best. Even with two shots and a booster of the Pfizer/Moderna vaccines , "breakthrough" infections with COVID-19 are reported, usually with mild symptoms.

Answered 1/8/2022



You may not have Covid but an other respiratory virus like Flu. If you have not taken Flu vaccine, it would be prudent to do that. Wish you good health!

Answered 1/10/2022



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