A member asked:

Could drinking alcohol 2 days before a full blood count cause liver enzymes to rise? i have a level of 37 my doctor said thats just slightly over the normal range?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Yes, alcohol intake could explain the abnormality. Alcohol is a poison that never did anybody any good, ever, so stay away from it. It will destroy your brain cells, facilitate development of cancer in many organs, including breast, cause hepatitis, cirrhosis and pancreatitis etc. There is no safe level of alcohol intake. Quit while you are ahead.

Answered 11/15/2021



You do not reveal name of liver study, but typically testing includes severe different parameters, and if solely one is mildly elevated, this would not point toward a serious issue. Depending on amount of alcohol ingested, your liver functions could be affected.

Answered 11/15/2021



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