A member asked:

Dry eye, ocular migraines & eye strain & fatigue. eyes checked regularly tear ducts plugged. can that contribute to double vision lasting a minute or 2 while on computer? had to close eyes. no other symptoms. happened a while ago and never again?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Transient double vision, while working on computer, can happen not infrequently to many normal individuals secondary to eye fatigue, and would not be a cause for concern if occurring but once "never again".

Answered 10/17/2021



Migraines and fatigue can both cause double vision (diplopia). However if this is a noe off and happened some time ago, I wouldn't worry about it. If it starts happening more frequently, then you should consult your ophthalmologist for next steps.

Answered 10/17/2021



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