A member asked:

If i were to touch my phone then finger my self to see if theres any loose tissue paper. will i get an infection or virus? i know it sounds silly, my work has very thin toilet paper. can i possibly get an infection from not washing hands?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

You can not transfer an infection from genitals to your hand that would be infectious. And even thin toilet paper has barrier qualities. I assume you practice normal hygiene after going to the toilet. It is considered good practice to wash after toilet but in a pinch you can use sanitizing gel which seems present everywhere during the pandemic. Even if you skip all of these, your risk is very low

Answered 10/16/2021



I would not worry about catching any infection all that easily. Most germs that we carry on our body parts are harmless and unlikely to cause infection even if they get into your body parts. Nevertheless, it is more hygienic to use soap and wash hands with water anytime you use toilet or happen to touch your perianal areas which tend to carry more bacteria than any other body part.

Answered 10/19/2021



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