A member asked:

Wht do u thk about phyzer vaccine? . now fda-approved i'm considering it. i am frightened as i hv never hd flu, pneumonia. or shingle shot. i personally know people tht hv hd shot & r bad.1 cant walk. so i am hesitant as it cd happen.wht u thk?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

COVID-19 can be quite devastating in senior citizens and the Delta variant is the most infectious yet. Bad vaccine reactions are very rare, but at least 1 out of 3 COVID-19 sufferers have cognitive or emotional problems within 6 months. Would strongly urge you get vaccinated, and the Pfizer product is highly protective.

Answered 8/23/2021



Agree with Dr. Mechanic. I took the vaccine the day after it became available. The risk of Covid-19 infection is far greater than the minor aches and fever you may get from the vaccine. Take the vaccine.

Answered 8/23/2021



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