A member asked:

Is it safe to go to pt in a covid hot spot if masks are worn? distancing is about 3 weeks. they have iwave filtration. i am at increased risk and had two moderna shots?

7 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

I would resume your life as much as possible. Wash or sanitize hands frequently, Mask in proper settings, less for your own health than as a tribute to those who died & acknowledgement that more will. I would not hesitate to go to PT as you describe the setting.

Answered 4/14/2021


Dr. Deborah Ungerleider answered

Specializes in Pediatrics

As long as the precautions you mentioned, especially masking, hand washing, and distancing, are taken, it should be safe to go to PT. Your vaccinations should also add protection. It is important to keep up with medical care in general during Covid, especially since we know more about how to protect ourselves. Medical facilities as you described are generally safe and necessary.

Answered 4/16/2021



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