A member asked:

Is it safe to take a 10 hour car ride at 20 weeks pregnant with twins. last ultrasound was perfect, cervix 3.04cm (not sure if this is a concern but ob was happy with it). no pain. any risks to the pregnancy doing this? i wont be the one driving?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

This is likely okay. I would plan with the driver to stop and get out for a brief walk every few hours to keep your circulation moving/stretch your legs. Be sure to pre-plan what you would do if problems arise in route/where to go for care.

Answered 3/30/2021



You should be fine, but are at increased risks of blood clots with long periods of inactivity, so pump your feet frequently and walk every hour! Even a long drive can be exhausting, so get plenty of rest, drink plenty of fluids. avoid caffeine.

Answered 3/30/2021



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