A member asked:

My mom 88 on dializes for a month now because of ckd and she also has heart failure she is doing very well no symptoms her blood pressure is around 146/51 but heart beat is in the mid 40's is that to low ? in the past beat was in the mid 50's ?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Sue Ferranti answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Her mother should get an EKG to determine what rhythm her heart is in. If she has no symptoms, and the rhythm is a normal sinus rhythm, then no treatment is needed. If the rhythm is not a normal sinus rhythm, she may need tests to determine the etiology of the abnormal rhythm-like blood work, especially since she is on dialysis. So, call her doctor to get the EKG done. Review her meds as well!

Answered 3/26/2021



Your monitor may not be sensing her every beat.If your observation that her rate is in the 40's is accurate, as Dr.F recommends, an EKG is needed. A heart rate in the 40's is abnormal and too low for a person 88 years old. Heart block, sick sinus,occult atrial fibrillation with impaired conduction through the AV node are common causes of heart rates in the 40's& a permanent pacemaker may be needed

Answered 3/26/2021



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