Her mother should get an EKG to determine what rhythm her heart is in. If she has no symptoms, and the rhythm is a normal sinus rhythm, then no treatment is needed. If the rhythm is not a normal sinus rhythm, she may need tests to determine the etiology of the abnormal rhythm-like blood work, especially since she is on dialysis. So, call her doctor to get the EKG done. Review her meds as well!
Answered 3/26/2021
Your monitor may not be sensing her every beat.If your observation that her rate is in the 40's is accurate, as Dr.F recommends, an EKG is needed. A heart rate in the 40's is abnormal and too low for a person 88 years old. Heart block, sick sinus,occult atrial fibrillation with impaired conduction through the AV node are common causes of heart rates in the 40's& a permanent pacemaker may be needed
Answered 3/26/2021
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