A member asked:

Hi there, my daughter started her periods in oct. 2020. she just turned 15yrs and she's 1.48cm tall with a weight of 40kg. she bleeds for 9-14 days, extremely heavy flow (changes pads 5-8 times a day)! surely this can't be normal? i'm really worried?

A doctor has provided 1 answer

First. I doubt she is 1.48 cm tall - I hope you mean 1.48 m! With regard to her heavy periods, this is not normal but also not an uncommon problem for adolescents. Need to talk to your PCP or an OB about options for her. Would suggest she be checked to see if anemic, and if she is, would also suggest iron supplements as well as possible treatment for the heavy periods.

Answered 3/4/2021



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