A member asked:

Hi doctor, my name is costigan,i have what i would like to think is tonsils inside my mouth on the top left side,it a bit swollen and covered in white all over it,only if i can attach the picture here.i bought strepsills but doesnt seem to go down ?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Clarence Grim answered

Specializes in Endocrinology

Strept throat?: The only way to correctly diagnose “Strept throat” is by a throat swab test. Treating sore throat with antibiotics is not recommended as then you create antibiotics resistant bugs in your body. Most of what u describe are due to virus’s and antibiotics do not help. As Strept incidence varies around the world u would ask fo local advice. Go to uptodate.com and read more. Strep Tonsil OK

Answered 2/26/2021



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