A member asked:

I have several ulcers/canker sores all over my mouth and nothing is helping. not warm salt water rinse, not oragel mouth wash for sores, not mylanta and benadryl. how can i get them to heal?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

See dermatologist: I would suggest that you 1st confirm this dx with a dermatologist. Should they truly be canker sores and not hsv or some other pathology, you might receive a brief course of oral steroids.

Answered 1/26/2021



LESS STRESS: A canker sore is a virus that lasts 7-10 days .It can be caused by to much acidic food or spices Also too much stress and anxiety can cause canker sores .They will heal on there own but use benzocaine ointment for the pain. Less stress will also help.

Answered 1/26/2021



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