A member asked:

Have red and white patch on soft palate. white in middle, red on the edges. moderately sore. had some post nasal drip. something to get seen about?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Yes: Yes this could be strep , but it could also be the other things including things like mononucleosis. The rapid strep tests can has cross-positives on occasion with someone who has mono, or you could have a virus and just be a strep carrier. These days could also be Covid19. Time to get some testing done to see if needs any specific treatment.

Answered 12/20/2020


Dr. Binod Verma answered

Specializes in Dentistry

See your Dentist: First of all see your Dentist .At times it is related to sexual behavior must be ruled out. It might also be a symptoms of eating hard food .Hot dog mustard is also very irritating . If it happened just after eating hot pizza or food containing mustard ,the symptoms will disappear with mouth rinse with Luke warm salt water..

Answered 12/19/2020



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