A member asked:

Hi,i've suffering from fatigue and body pains. i have started a new job 2 months ago working nightshifts but having trouble sleeping after work which renders me body tired for my next shift. it has been stressing me out and causing a lot of anxiety?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

There is solution: You have developed a "Shift Work Sleep Disorder" (SWSD), which changes the normal circadian sleep patterns and results in insomnia, and less restful sleep stages. It may seem contra-intuitive, but a valuable approach comes from Narcolepsy, and that is to use drugs such as Modafanil or Nuvigil. Most neurologists who focus in sleep disorders could help dramatically.

Answered 12/7/2020


Dr. Krishna Kumar answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

New Job Anxiety: I understand your distress. Yes! “trouble sleeping after work is causing tiredness. Starting a new job and working night shift are causing Anxiety. Respect yourself for your Knowledge, Skills and Experience of various jobs. After work: •Relax with soft music •Take a deep breath and repeatedly say “Breath is Life” •Repeat with many Breaths See a Psychiatrist for: Therapy and Medication

Answered 12/9/2020



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