A member asked:

Is it possible to get a false positive ana titer 1:160 homogeneous 3 times a year apart each? also- are these immunoglobulin levels indicative of cvid? igg 628, iga 42, and igm 40?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

ANA: An ANA of 1:160 in of itself is nonspecific and has to be considered along with the clinical picture. It is a marker of autoimmune disorder but significant symptoms and signs also have to be present in order to make a diagnosis. Your IgA level is low. The other immunoglobulins are borderline low but these have no bearing on diagnosing Covid. A rheumatologist specializes in autoimmune disease.

Answered 12/2/2020



See below: An ANA of 1:160, repeatedly positive is not false positive and is suggestive of auto-immune disorder. You immunoglobulin levels are at the low level and depending on other issues could be part of CVID. It would be prudent to consult a rheumatologist. Wish you good health!

Answered 11/30/2020



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