A member asked:

My 1 year old daughter is coughing, her chest seems to be heavy. she throws up when she eats .she throws up something that looks like mucus. she has a lot of runny mucus down her nose.she doesnt want to drink her bottle it looks like she cant breath?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Sue Ferranti answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Get to ER...: Shortness of breath in a 1year old can be a very serious symptom and a baby can get much worse very fast. You need to get the baby to an ER right away and have her evaluated. Many different illnesses can be the cause of the symptoms you describe but this can become life-threatening if not treated quickly. Call rescue and get the baby to an ER immediately. Let us know how she does. Good luck!

Answered 1/19/2021



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