A member asked:

27 month old baby girl.her upper row teeth started breaking in half.damaging.some time she cries. not using baby bottle.what to do?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Theodore Davantzis answered

Specializes in Dentistry

Pediatric Dentist: Please take the toddler to see a pediatric dentist. If she was put to sleep with a baby bottle full of milk or juice at a younger age, she most likely has severe decay on many of her teeth. If not, she may have been born with genetically weak teeth. In any event she must be seen by a specialist children's dentist. All the best...

Answered 10/5/2020



Overdue: At 27 months she's 15 months overdue for her 1st dental examination. Concerns are rampant caries, bottle syndrome, or one of many systemic disorders. Because of severity of her problem recommend that she immediately see a children's dental specialist, a Pedodontist. Please don't delay.

Answered 10/5/2020



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