A member asked:

I have been waking at night with a sort of "tightness" along my sternum with what i would describe as uncomfortable (not painful) breathing. it is also accompanied by an anxious feeling. the chest tightness and anxiousness is also present some during the day (today, for example, it was present most of the day off and on) and seems to be worse if i am sitting or laying down, opposed to standing. i'm unsure if the anxious feeling is due to the chest tightness or the other way around tightness?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Chest tightness: Anxiety may indeed be the cause of your symptoms, but before making that diagnosis I feel you should undergo a medical evaluation and some testing to rule out cardiac, pulmonary, esophageal or rib cage causes of chest tightness and uncomfortable breathing. If no medical issues are found, consider undergoing stress management therapy which I believe will help you.

Answered 7/29/2020


Dr. Heidi Fowler answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Anxiety: Although these symptoms might be due to anxiety, I would rule out medical causes before making that assumption.

Answered 7/29/2020



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