A member asked:

Last 8/9 years, first 48 hrs of my period i have debilitating burning pain concentrated in a line between, just below top of hip bones & in my back, palm-sized, between diaphragm & top of pelvis bone @ the left & right sides, not in center. ideas? ?

A doctor has provided 1 answer

Menstrual pain a lot: If having a lot of menstrual pain, see the Ob-Gyn to check for endometriosis. It's a serious problem where little pieces of tissue (similar to the lining of the uterus that bleeds and sheds each month) are trapped inside one's pelvis and abdomen. With each menstrual period the trapped tissue sheds and bleeds on the inside of the abdomen (the blood has no way to leave the body), causing much pain.

Answered 2/26/2020



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