A member asked:

I am experiencing feeling anxious that is unaffected by psychological stress, paranoid, fear of embarrassment, personality changes, nervousness, restlessness, poor concentration, rapid speech, frightening thoughts, irrational fear, mood swings

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Find a life coach: Life often sends us challenges that we do not have the skills to manage. You wouldn't try to fix your bad appendix on your own & shouldn't try to fix this either. You should see your doc to rule out a medical problem. If you are okay there s/he can recommend a life coach/therapist who can explore the issue & teach you how to deal with this. That is what they do. Do the work & life can be better.

Answered 11/2/2019



Can see pediatrician: A teen with mood, anxiety, fear, and recurring thoughts issues can his primary care doctor, such as his pediatrician. The doctor will talk with the teen and get the whole story (may take a couple of visits). There is good treatment for anxiety and recurring thoughts, etc..., and the medications can be adjusted to the lowest dose that creates a helpful effect. Some tests may be needed.

Answered 10/21/2019



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