Cold: Feed a cold, starve a fever ! Try Tylenol 500mg two three times a day. If you have Zicam in the pharmacy then one every thee hours will relieve your symptoms. Tussi Organadin may help your cough. Otherwise it is self limiting. However if you get no relief then it may be bacterial and you need to see a doctor to get an antibiotic. Good Luck
Answered 1/15/2019
Not zinc: Zinc based products do not help a cold, and can cause nausea. Fluids, rest, hot tea and honey work!
Answered 1/15/2019
Pelargonium and...: The vast majority of coughs that start as a cold are viral and many studies show antibiotics don't help these infections. There's good evidence that pelargonium sidoides (widely sold as Umcka) is effective for colds and bronchitis- see Try Vit. D 10,000 iu/day. Homeopathy is inexpensive, very safe and in my experience can work like magic- see
Answered 3/25/2022
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