A member asked:

What are the best natural ways to remove pimples?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Scientific Rx: No "holistic / pop / supplement" is strong enough. Acne is a chronic non-lifestyle-related disease for which the effective treaments (natural antibiotics and vitamin a derivatives) are gifts from mother nature. Especially if you are responsible for the physical and emotional health of a teen with acne, you have a duty to get them to a scientific practitioner -- or be worry for the rest of ur life.

Answered 5/25/2013



Skin care routine: Cleansing daily with a mild soap such as cetaphil followed by a non comedogenic moisturizer with spf and periodic exfoliation is useful for minimizing breakouts. Salicylic acid which comes from the bark of the willow tree is useful and one of the active ingredients in popular acne products such as proactive.

Answered 10/24/2017



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