A member asked:

I am experiencing fatigue, shortness of breath (time frame: gradual onset) (severity: moderate) (worsened by: exercise or physical activity) (better by: rest) , post nasal drip, snoring and chest pain or discomfort (better by: rest) (worsened by: after e

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

See your doctor.: Without any further details or knowledge of your medical history, it is difficult to give you a defenitive opinion. It is important for you to know that these symptoms COULD be from a cardiac or respiratory problem. Detailed knowledge of your medical history and an examination by your doctor should help answer our question. Do not ignore!

Answered 2/2/2018



Infection : You need to see a doctor as you may have pneumonia and will need to be treated ASAP

Answered 2/2/2018



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