A member asked:

My daughter is experiencing chest pain or discomfort (quality: feels sharp or stabbing, sensation of pressure or heaviness) (better by: rest) (time frame: gradual) (side: left) (severity: moderate) (worsened by: after deep breaths) . the following also d

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Pain: She needs to be evaluated by a physician to get a definitive diagnosis. Good luck

Answered 11/27/2017


Dr. Louise Andrew answered

Specializes in Emergency Medicine

Pain pattern worryin: your question incomplete, but any pleuritic chest pain (worsened by deep breath or cough) is worrisome and she should be examined and have an x-ray to be sure there is no pneumonia or blood clot, especially if she is on birth control pills. This could be serious. Good luck..

Answered 11/27/2017



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