A member asked:

I am experiencing sciatica. the following also describe me: muscle cramps or spasms (painful), severe, pain shooting down the leg, hunched or stooped posture, back pain, and leg weakness. what should i do?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

L-spine evaluation: The least severe and easiest to treat would be piriformis syndrome. This is pinching on the nerve by a muscle in you buttock region. Given your presentation and posture that causes the pain to occur this could possibly be a buldging disc in your lower lumbar spine. you should be evaluated by your primary care provider and possibly be referred to a spine specialist if need be.

Answered 12/20/2017


Dr. John Chiu answered

See ortho: Sounds like you have a back problem which should not be ignored. See an ortho doc ASAP.

Answered 12/19/2017



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