A member asked:

My baby is 4 months and 2 weeks old and sometimes she refuses to drink her formula. she sometimes dream feeds so when she is almost asleep then she will feed. she has about 4 wet nappies a day. what can i do and should i be concerned?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Hollie Gaeto answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Eating: you may possibly be overfeeding the child. The most important thing is child is having several wet diapers daily. Children often do not want to eat as much when they are sick also so keep an eye out for symptoms of a cold. try measuring how much she is eating in a day and keeping track for your doctor.

Answered 11/16/2017



Feeding: If you are starting some baby cereal and or baby solids, they often will not take as much formula as before. As long as she urinates/stolls everyday and weight gain continues without any other symptoms, this is probably in the normal range and can be observed. Welcome to health tap, Dr. Ivy Fisher

Answered 11/16/2017



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