A member asked:

Degenerative endplate change at c3/c4 and c5/c6 levels. no widening of the prevertebral soft tissue space. no significant neural foraminal compromise on right side, left side prominent osteophytes encroach into the neural foramen at the c5/c6 level?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. answered

Wear & tear: This report is describing wear and tear type arthritic changes that are common in many people as they age. Have you had previous old injuries or played a heavy contact sport? The osteophytes are bony growths that go along with this type of arthritis. The neural foramen is where the nerves come out of your spine so could explain pain you may get from your neck in the outer aspect of your arm.

Answered 10/3/2018


Dr. answered

Cervical spine: Depending on symptoms and examination findings management can vary . If only symptoms is pain and neurological examination is normL , it can be managed by pain killers like amitryptiline, gabapentin , pregabalin etc . If there are neurological symptoms then medications and surgery might be offered . your orthopaedic surgeon would be able to discuss this in detail .

Answered 10/3/2018



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