A member asked:

Psychiatrist stopped my celexa 20mg about 12 days ago suddenly after 15 years. he started me on zoloft 40mg the next day. it was awful until day five i felt better but heart rate and bp began to increase 15-25 points syst previous control on meds?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. K. Olson answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Serotonin mishap?: A more gradual taper of the Celexa may have been easier to tolerate. Shouldering one gradually down and the other up usually works better, i.e., Celexa down to 10, and more gradual increase/addition of Zoloft, 25 for 10 days then stop Celexa and increase Zoloft to 50. After that many years and abrupt cessation you may be experiencing serotonin discontinuation from the Celexa - despite the Zoloft

Answered 9/20/2017



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