A member asked:

Can multiple myeloma be seen on a ct scan? the tumor/lesion part, and/or the bone marrow involvement, or both or neither? injected 350 contrast.

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Regular X-rays: Lesions of multiple myeloma are detectable in pain x-rays as lytic areas. Additional tests for the disorder are serum protein electrophoresis and free serum light chain assay, and may be urine protein electrophoresis. Bone marrow examination is often needed for confirmation.

Answered 7/15/2017



Yes but not always: Xray, ct and MRI can be used to show bone destructions from multiple myeloma, but not always. Sometimes the disease is not severe enough & the bone destruction is not great enough to be perceptible. When enough disease is present, what can be seen is an area of loss of bone tissue, referred to as a lytic bone lesion.

Answered 7/15/2017



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