A member asked:

Hi , my son just turned 6 months yesterday and i'm afraid because for the past 4-5 days one of his eyelids has been a little droopy. ?

8 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Droopy lids: Usually there is some mild eyelid swelling that causes an allergic reaction and eyelids to droop. You can give a trial of benadryl 1.2 tsp (2.5 cc/ml) at night ands see if symptom goes away. If not I would check with pedi MD if needs eye referral to rule out congenital nerve ptosis that can occur at birth, usually one eye. Welcome to health tap, Dr. Ivy Fisher

Answered 5/3/2017



Ptosis or droopy eye: can be congenital, or present at birth and affects only 1 eye in 70% of the time. It can also signal a dysfunction of the nerve than ennervates the muscle that lifts the eyelid, and that nerve also affects one's ability to look upward, or it can be related to a local problem causing swelling around the eye. Check photos of your baby to see if present before, if not, get eye evaluation.

Answered 3/29/2017



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