A member asked:

Is it possible to drink a certain amount of water to completely detox/replace all the sugar in a can of soda from your body?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. answered

No: Sugar (glucose) is absorbed in the early part of your digestive tract and is generally processed by your liver. If it isn't used as energy by your cells, it is often transformed into storage (fat). Drinking water will not alter this process, and drinking excessive amounts of water can be dangerous as it dilutes your blood and can cause levels of sodium to drop. The best advice is don't drink soda!

Answered 11/23/2016


Dr. Diane Stein answered

Specializes in Pediatric Neurology

Water only dilutes: no matter how much water you drink you can not erase the can of soda. You can dilute the soda but not replace sugar. Our bodies are built to survive starvation so the sugar or calories you take in are generally well absorbed even when pretty dilute. Also - the cure maybe worse - drinking too much water too quickly can lead to coma or death.

Answered 11/23/2016



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