A member asked:

My pubic hair has changed from being curly to straight, also is now shedding more than in the past. i have scalp hair loss as well, which was diagnosed as telogen effluvium by a term. now doubting diagnosis...is full body alopecia more likely?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Same thing: Telogen effluvium is likely to affect all the hair on any part of your skin. "Full body" alopecia is not a diagnosis. The important question is to speculate about the reason. Telogen effluvium is caused by something. There are many possible causes.

Answered 2/10/2021



Hair loss : If you have noticed hair shedding in the scal and pubic hair straightening go to your primary care physician. May be have to see a dermatologist.

Answered 7/12/2018



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