A member asked:

I put a keratin treatment in my hair & products containing 'sodium chloride' will strip hair of keratin. does this also apply to 'sodium benzoate too?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Dimitri Novitzky answered

Specializes in Thoracic Surgery

Adverse Sodium Benzo: If you mix sodium benzoate with vitamin C (and it happens that there are two types of C in Express The Truth - calcium ascorbate and sodium ascorbyl phosphate), benzene can form. And benzene is carcinogenic. In the UK, a Food Standards Agency survey of benzene in soft drinks found high levels of it in four brands, which were removed from sale. Even without getting mixed up with vitamin C, sodium benzoate might not be as friendly as it looks. A study conducted by Peter Piper, a professor at Sheffield University in the UK and an expert in molecular biology and biotechnology, found that sodium benzoate damages cells, in an adverse way.

Answered 6/15/2018



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