A member asked:

Is drinking 60oz distilled water a day dangerous? i am doing the jillian michaels detox for 7 days (lemon, cranberry, dandelion root tea)is it safe?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Saptarshi Bandyopadhyay answered

Specializes in Hospital-based practice

In context.: Drinking 60 oz of water (doesn't have to be distilled) is adequate for hydration. That amount of water, in general, doesn't have any health effects as long as you're healthy otherwise (no kidney disease, &c). However the "detox" plan & its duration isn't generally advisable. Detox is nutritionally deficient & you can get electrolyte problems. Check w/ your doctor before starting any "fad" diets.

Answered 2/18/2017



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