A member asked:

Please respond i took about an ounce of robotussin and a 20 g of adderall (dextroamphetamine and racemic amphetamine) 8 hours ago my head kind of hurts should i see doctor??

A doctor has provided 1 answer

Please clarify: I'm sorry your head hurts. An ounce of Robitussin (guaifenesin) (with codeine or dextromethorphan ?) equals 6 teaspoons. Why did you take this amount? Do you mean 20 milligrams of Adderall ie, one pill? Was it prescribed or did you take it to experiment? Both Robitussin (guaifenesin) and a 20 mg Adderall pill should be soon out of your system. If headache doesn't fade or worsens, see your doctor. Best wishes.

Answered 5/24/2016



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