Gangrene: would be rare for a young and healthy patient to get with simply soaking in vinegar for a short time... however, if a patient has limited blood supply and/or has neuropathy in the feet, then the chance of gangrene is exponential. A picture or exam would give you the best diagnosis and treatment plan you may need!
Answered 5/17/2016
You state: Your 20 so I would highly doubt it is gangrene. If its infected, just to see a foot doc and have it taken care of correctly.
Answered 4/15/2017
Blood Blister...: I'm thinking that that small black dot on the skin, near the nail is probably a very small amount of blood trapped under the skin. Leave the spot alone and keep an eye on it. Have the ingrown toenail treated by a specialist. The fix is usually performed in the office with minimal disruption of you life.
Answered 12/6/2017
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