ER worthy CERTAINLY!: This is most likely kidney stones but we always worry about hematuria which needs investigation fairly urgently as renal/bladder cancer is a must not miss diagnosis. See a doctor ASAP!
Answered 4/19/2017
Yes!: This is more likely a urinary tract infection, especially if you have burning with urination. Kidney stones can cause blood in the urine, but there is usually pain in the side/flank. Severe pain. Of the same intensity as giving birth, I don't think you would miss it! Go to an ER/Emergicare/or doctor's office and get the urine tested.
Answered 3/13/2016
More likely, UTI...: For a 30-y-o female with the briefed profile, acute cystitis is more likely than stone passage. Your condition could be evaluated as outpatient in 1-2 days as long as being bearable with symptoms and free of fever and chill. If opposed, seek urgent care timely. If you had similar events, you would know better what needs to be done timely.
Answered 12/30/2020
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