A member asked:

Squishy lump about pea size on head for years. now a bald area. bigger all of a sudden and white gunk came out along with small hard lump. no smell.

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Bernard Seif answered

Specializes in Clinical Psychology

Blocked gland?: A sebaceous cyst is a collection of oily fluid that occurs when an oil gland is blocked. Some folks are more prone to them than other and they often appear on the neck, shoulders, and back. Try to avoid skin products that are oily. I would also stay away from transfats and bad oils, which is good for overall health. Saunas and sweating may help a bit. See doc; avoid infection.

Answered 8/10/2016



Cyst: These are usually epidermoid inclusion cysts, popularly called "sebaceous cysts" though the pathology varies. Now that it's popped, it's likely to be a mess. These are actually unrelated to diet / hygiene. You may need a surgeon to excise the remaining tissue, which will have inert debris deep inside it.

Answered 2/24/2016



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