A member asked:

College student diagnosed with mono by monospot no symptoms but swollen neck lymph nodes and itchy all over. can it be lymphoma ? going crazy! help!

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Wait and watch: Enlarged lymph nodes are a common finding in mono. It may take a few weeks for the nodes to subside. If the nodes get larger, more nodes become palpable, there is fever, or weight loss then see a doctor for an evaluation.

Answered 2/19/2016



Common things R comn: If you just need something to worry about, you can let this get to you but I wouldn't.Mono is common to college age crowd and swollen neck nodes are a common single presentation. The swelling should fade in 3 weeks, although in a few it will linger for longer.

Answered 4/24/2016



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