A member asked:

Can you rupture your juglar vein? or can it only be damaged by a cut

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Sheldon Brownstein answered

Specializes in Cardiac Electrophysiology

Jugular vein: Jugular vein should not rupture spontaneously but certainly in medicine never say never. Generally rupture will occur from trauma

Answered 1/19/2016


Dr. John Landi answered

Specializes in Phlebology

Jugular veins: Jugular veins are usually easily seen on either side of the lateral portion of the neck. They increase in size if your head is placed below your waist and decrease is size in the standing position. Jugular veins do not spontaneously rupture but they can by injured by trauma.

Answered 8/30/2020



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