A member asked:

I been on protonix (pantoprazole) 40mg for 2 weeks mucus still running and hoarse off and on suspect lpr. can i take tums before meals . tums h2 blocker. ?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Andrew Seibert answered

Specializes in Gastroenterology

Hoarseness : when hoarseness is a symptom of acid reflux, it is sometimes very difficult to get under control. It is perfectly all right to try adding in an antacid such as Tums. You should also follow anti-reflux precautions closely. An H2 blocker is unlikely to help much. If you do not get relief from the protonix, (pantoprazole) see your doctor.

Answered 9/29/2016



Yes: Sometimes coughing or vocal symptoms are blamed on "silent" reflux but PPI or other stomach med usually fails to help. Sure, you can take Tums (calcium carbonate). "Mucus still running" is too vague. Do you have post-nasal drip? Cough and wheeze? Stomach meds will help stomach symptoms but probably not nose or throat or voice or respiratory symptoms. A respiratory specialist may be needed.

Answered 1/8/2016



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