A member asked:

Husband is bipolar & suffers anxiety attacks. he was prescribed buspar (buspirone) 4 anxiety & referred to a psy for the rest. could buspar (buspirone) aggrivate his bipolar?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Edward Kuhnley answered

Specializes in Child Psychiatry

Possible: There are case reports of BusPar (buspirone) triggering mania in individuals with bipolar disorder. It is best for your husband to discuss his response and any side effects with his prescriber. Many things may trigger mania and it is wise for you and your husband to learn the signs and symptoms relevant to him. Seek evaluation immediately if they occur. Best regards.

Answered 12/27/2015


Dr. Lacresha Hall answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Yes: An individual diagnosed with bipolar disorder should be stabilized on a mood stabilizer before most other medications are started. For acute management antipsychotics and benzodiazepines can be used while the mood stabilizer is being started. Serotonin type medications without a mood stabilizer may trigger a manic episode.

Answered 2/17/2016



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