A member asked:

How long would a 70 mg vyvanse (lisdexamfetamine) stay in your system if you took one one day and a half of one thr next if your 230 lbs but sweats easily?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Johanna Fricke answered

Specializes in Pediatrics - Developmental and Behavioral

It may have an : effect on your body for only a couple of days, but it can show up on a urine drug screen up to a week, if those were the only 2 doses you've ever taken. This general guideline can be altered by individual metabolism & other factors. If you have a prescription for Vyvanse, (lisdexamfetamine) take the bottle to your drug screening. If you diverted someone else's Vyvanse, (lisdexamfetamine) please don't do it again.

Answered 4/8/2018



Meaning: It depends on what you mean. the standard half-life of the active metabolite is about 10 hours, but there is individual variation. The weight and the sweating have little effect. But progessively smaller amounts will take additional half-lives. The clinical effect is commonly gone after 10 hours, or less.

Answered 4/8/2018



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