A member asked:

20 yrs old male. neutrophil (30%) basophil (1%) eosinophil (46%) lymphocyte (20%) monocytes (4%) with few bite cells, spherocytes. what's wrong with him? is he allergic and hereditary spherocytosis?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Increased Eosinophils: While the percentage of eosinophils is elevated, you haven't given me the total white cells involved. Eosinophilia is caused by many things including allergic reactions, parasites, drugs, cancers, and some unknown causes. The red cell abnormalities need to be considered in the context of the other findings and are also not specific.

Answered 10/28/2015


Dr. Al Hegab answered

Specializes in Allergy and Immunology

?: Needs a clinical hematologist input, blood picture in isolation of clinical context doesn't mean much, can be allergic, or other eosinophilic syndromes with this high percentage, although percentages again don't mean much, absolute numbers matter more, clinical evaluation matters most, good luck

Answered 10/28/2015



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