A member asked:

Pregnant. periods very irregular. first hcg 7600 second 6200 u/s 1 sac 2 yok no fetal pole.14 days ago?? possible misdiagnosed? doc refuses more work

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Jeff Livingston answered

Specializes in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Needs repeat sono : a decreased bhcg is not a good sign and could indicate a miscarriage. A repeat sonogram needs to be done to confirm the diagnosis

Answered 9/15/2015



Blighted Ovum: from your description it sounds like you have what is called a blighted ovum. This means there is a yolk sac that is empty. You have a decreasing hcg and an empty sac. There is not a viable pregnancy. This is an unlikely misdiagnosis with both of these pieces of information. I am truly sorry.

Answered 9/15/2015



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