A member asked:

I was outside yesterday bare foot in the rain and i think i stepped on either a rock or a sharp stick it hurts when i press it and it's red?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. John Michel answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

INfected: See your doc or urgicenter soon and no later than tomorrow. This is important as it can develop in to cellulitis and require oral antibiotics . Go now while it is still early.

Answered 7/14/2015



See below: amber blunt trauma cause a lot of pain. You sound like you did not open the skin so this is good, but you did injure the soft tissue. Just ice and let the area heel. May take a week to get all the damage healed so wear comfortable shoes or slippers so to rest the injured area

Answered 7/14/2015



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