Acne Scarring: There are lots of OTC acne washes. Good exfoliation helps as well. As far as the scarring goes, micro needling can help (adding PRP helps even more), so can fractionated lasers. A less invasive (but slower results) process would be laser genesis to the scars. If they are depressed you can use needle subcision or fillers to improve the appearance.
Answered 7/12/2015
Prescription Rx: I'm sorry you acne was not treated when you were younger, as it should have been, and you were left with scarring. You will not be able to manage your acne without prescription Rx; start benzoyl peroxide now and phone your physician who will add something else. Women often get a good result with spironolactone. A specialist may inject a filler to resurface our skin & other options exist.
Answered 7/12/2015
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