Get checked!: Tonsillitis can be due to strep or other germs. You need to be seen. The older you get, the more likely a fever with a sore throat is due to strep, but not always. Get checked to be sure. If you have "strep throat" and don't get treated, you risk serious complications, like rheumatic heart disease.
Answered 7/8/2015
Fever sore throat: Would get a strep test because the complications of untreated strep can be significant, rheuamtic fever, rarely endocarditis. So would go to urgent care and do strep test or better have them send out a culture . Strep can cause tonsillitis , it is just a worse infection then just the sore throat Coudl also be from post nasal drip, viral , mycoplasma, reflux. But get a strep test
Answered 7/9/2015
Strep & tonsillitis: Tonsillitis describes infection and inflammation of the tonsils. It generally presents with fever, sore throat or throat pain, painful swallowing and swelling, redness and sometimes white, yellow or grayish material on the tonsils. "Strep" is one of the readily identifiable bacteria that can cause tonsillitis. Typically a throat culture can be done to identify strep
Answered 7/9/2015
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