A member asked:

I have a slightly large bump (around the size of a penny/nickel) on my inner thigh/crotch region and its very sore. when i touch it its kind of hard. i originally though it was an ingrown hair until it started to grow larger and it dint go away for a few

7 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

DR exam: Use warm, moist packs for about 15 min 4 times per day for today and then make an apt to see your health care provider, this is prob an infection and will need treatment.

Answered 6/9/2015


Dr. Louis Mes answered

Probably a cyst.: Without a "visual" I would guess that you have one of the family of "inclusion" cysts that form from hair follicles, sweat and sebaceous glands in the skin. They enlarge slowly and can become infected. Your doctor should be able to take care of it without too much trouble.

Answered 6/7/2015



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