A member asked:

Normal chest x-ray and vq scan. normal ekg. chest and back pain, gurggling sound, short of breath, dizzy. also tachycardic and dry cough. please help.

3 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Possible asthma: Please see a board certified pulmonary medicine expert ( pulmonologist)-ASAP- Unable to diagnose online; however, very suggestive of bronchospasm with superimposed viral or bacterial infection.

Answered 5/29/2019


Dr. David Lipkin answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Need re evaluation: I assume you have been to the ER and were discharged. A serious cause for your symptoms seems less likely as your initial tests were normal. Among the less serious causes for such symptoms is the possibility of a chest cold and superimposed panic attack with hyperventilation. But if your symptoms persist you need to be re evaluated to determine the proper diagnosis. Return to the ER if needed.

Answered 6/5/2015


Dr. Christian Mayaud answered

Specializes in Hospital-based practice

In-Person Evaluation: You need further face2face evaluation by a physician. Sounds like you are in the middle of a work-up. Are you an inpatient or is this evaluation being done as an outpatient? Sounds like you are looking for a second opinion? Too much information is required to properly second guess your current work-up. Online is not appropriate for this purpose.

Answered 6/5/2015



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